
A Group Dedicated to Helping Families of Children Under Medical Treatment

A Group Dedicated to Helping Families of Children Under Medical Treatment

Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Jorge’s Treehouse is to provide housing and support to those families in distress that must leave their homes to pursue medical treatment for their children.

Our Vision

Our Vision

A world where families can focus on their child’s illness and care without having to worry about the financial impact of their housing expenses during their medical treatment.

Our Impact

Our Impact

Our programs help to alleviate financial burdens for families with sick children. We help our families save over thousands each year in housing and meal costs.

We also offer our children fun activities during their treatment,  for example, we celebrate end of chemo treatments, happy birthdays, schedule zoo visits and much more!

At Jorge’s Treehouse children must be happy even through difficult times.

Get in Touch With Us

Get in Touch With Us

If you are interested in what our organization does, reach out to us today. Our team is more than willing to answer any of your inquiries about us.

Get in Touch With Us

Get in Touch With Us

If you are interested in what our organization does, reach out to us today. Our team is more than willing to answer any of your inquiries about us.